For Parents
“Receive the children in reverence, educate them in love, and send them forth in freedom.” - Rudolf Steiner
In the light of anthroposophy, child development can be viewed in a threefold way. Rudolf Steiner indicated 3 seven year cycles of growth and development that comprise the journey of childhood for every human being. Within each 7 year cycle (birth-7yrs, , 7-14yrs, 14-21yrs,) growth processes are connected to three distinct systems within the bodily vehicle: the nerve-sense system (head and nerve endings), the rhythmic system (torso and rhythmic organs) and the metabolic system (limbs and metabolizing organs), each pertaining to different aspects of the physical body, which also have reflections in both the child’s inner experiences and social interactions more
Children and Sensory Development
Many challenging behaviors arise in children from an overstimulated or an underdeveloped sensory system. There are many practical ways to support sensory processing so that a more harmonized experience can take place for your child(ren). In our technological age, children are being bombarded with sensory input that is increasingly difficult to digest in healthy and balanced ways.
“As humanity is rapidly being emancipated from engagement with the natural world, the vast majority of human beings are being raised more and more not only in a man-made world—in which the resources of the earth have been extracted and utilized for human evolution—but also in a man-invented world”
For more information on how you can support your child’s sensory processing and digestion:
For an individual conversation about your family or child(ren) contact one of our practitioners listed on this page.
The Healing the Impact of Technology Program, provides practical strategies, methods and tools for harmonizing the sensory system as well as working with technology at home and in school more
Social Understanding Gender & Sexuality from birth to adolescence and beyond.
How can we support a child’s inner and outer growth?
How can we support children’s developing individuality to unfold in freedom?
Developing the Self - Developing the World’s Social Understanding Gender and Sexuality Program aims to support parents and educators to develop an awareness of the emotional and physical developmental changes their children are currently undergoing.Developing the Self Developing the World offers lectures and one to three day trainings on the theme of Social Understanding, Gender & Sexuality in various communities across Australia, America and the United Kingdom. More