Spirit-led Community by Lisa Romero

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Spirit-led Community by Lisa Romero


The foundations of our inner freedom, as well as our inner unfreedom are greatly influenced during the years of early child development. Our patterns of thinking, our feelings, and our will impulses are all influenced directly by the community in which we grow up. With our outer lives increasingly permeated by technology, we are now faced with the effects that technology brings to bear on our inner lives, as well as its artificial influence on the development of our thinking, feeling, and willing. Technology is forming the future of our communities and, in doing so, extending its pervasive influence into our inner capacities as community members.

Spirit-led Community introduces spiritually healthy guidelines for lessening the negative influence of technology on the inner life. Through providing an understanding of the foundations of inner health laid in childhood as well as the path of inner development that can be consciously engaged with as adults, a way is shown for how new community life can lead us into a future when community serves to maintain and support the evolving human spirit.

Lisa Romero, 2018

Published by Innerwork Books and distributed by Developing the Self Developing the World

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