These cool washes are brisk and invigorating to increase awareness of personal space in relation to the environment. The cool water and contractive qualities of salt applied to the whole body awaken the nerve endings, which help a person to be more aware of their boundary and spatial orientation. Rosemary stimulates the circulatory system, bringing wakefulness through it’s warmth in combination with the cool water and invigorating application.
Please note, blood pressure may elevate after this treatment.
Prepare the space to be adequately warm and free of drafts, and lay out and/or warm the clothes in readiness for after the treatment.
Fill a washbasin with water at 34°C (93°F) and add the chosen medicinal dilution, either salt or rosemary.
Wet the face flannel in the dilution and apply to the skin in long quick strokes. Apply 3 – 6 strokes per body part. Continue wetting the flannel throughout the treatment.
The order of treatment is:
• downward strokes for the face and torso
• upward strokes for the arms and legs.
Pat dry each body part and cover or clothe before proceeding to the next.
This treatment is best followed by a brisk walk.
Ingredients & Equipment
Medicinal dilutionof:
Unrefined sea salt -
1 level dessertspoon
(9g / 1⁄3 oz.) per litre of wash water. Dissolve in a little cool water in advance.
A sprig of fresh rosemary -
make a rosemary tea, cover and leave to steep overnight.
A bowl or washbasin
Bath thermometer if required to gage the water temperature.
A face flannel or similar cloth for application.
Towel for drying off.