With Lisa Romero
This is a part of the Festival of the Child online education summit. It offers registrants free online access during the summit (November 14 – 20 UK timezone) to view interviews with 24 speakers. The interview with Lisa Romero will be aired on November 15. Please direct registration and questions to the Festival organiser https://www.festivalofthechild.com
Join 21+ wonderful experts for a live broadcast over 7 days, as they share their personal wisdom and expertise with you on how to support your child to grow up healthy, confident and full of hope for the future.
Discover fresh new perspectives on how to empower today’s child with a strong sense of self, a deep respect for others and strengthened capacities to meet the changing world.
Nourish your minds and open your hearts with practical strategies that raise children who are not only resilient and self-sufficient, but also positively contribute towards transforming humanity.