Harmonising the Senses | Upbuilding & Revitalising Our Etheric Forces
A quiet reverent space for experiencing beauty is held whilst engaging with daily hygienic self-care practices.
Rose or lemon face cloth, rose sphagni lotion, silk matles rest and herb tea
As you prepare for your meaningful Spring Seminar journey into Steiner education, we would like to extend to you an invitation to book into a specially arranged restorative session during the break times, to support your own well-being during the Seminar. The half hour session will offer you an opportunity to be introduced to daily self care practices, that are not only restorative in the moment, but can be considered in an ongoing way for your own self care during your teaching career to help support your sense of life and balance. They can be introduced into classroom hygiene as a part of the Steiner curriculum for students from early childhood to high school, as well as supporting the wellbeing of parents and staff.
As a gesture to enable you to experience these sessions, they are being partially sponsored by Sydney Steiner College.
We invite you to book a place during the Spring Seminar, to experience hygienic daily self-care practices that compliment studies of this Seminar, support your integration of the Seminar content and reconnect with yourself.
Date: October 2nd (during lunch time and at the end of the day)
Session Duration: 30 minutes
Treatment: Introduction to a guided face cloth, hand sphagnum rose hand/arm oiling, rest and tea.
Cost: $15 per person per session sponsored by the College (limited spots – 5 people per session)
Booking: Pre-book and payment required to secure your spot by 27th September
Location: Care and Renewal classroom (to be advised during the seminar)
Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the profound benefits of Anthroposophical care. Take this time to focus on your well-being, so you can bring greater balance and presence to your future classrooms.
Offered by Lynette Clifton