4-week Online Study Group of The Inner Work Path
to Jan 30

4-week Online Study Group of The Inner Work Path

Upcoming 4-session Online Study Group

We will meet for four consecutive weeks to study the first two chapters of The Inner Work Path - A Foundation for Meditative Practice in the Light of Anthroposophy by Lisa Romero ​
Online, 7pm-8:30pm:​ Thursdays, Jan 9 16, 23, 30, 2025
To register and for more info call/text 908-227-0004 orcontact@developingtheself.org

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4-week In-Person Study Group of The Inner Work Path in Stephentown, NY
to Jan 31

4-week In-Person Study Group of The Inner Work Path in Stephentown, NY

Upcoming 4-session In-Person Study Group

We will meet for four consecutive weeks to study the first two chapters of The Inner Work Path - A Foundation for Meditative Practice in the Light of Anthroposophy by Lisa Romero
In-Person in Stephentown, NY
Fridays, Jan 10, 17, 24, 31 2025, 6:30pm-8pm
To register and for more info call/text 908-227-0004 orcontact@developingtheself.org

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to Feb 27

Health and Education

  • Phoenix Initiative (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Health practitioners work alongside Phoenix Initiative educators towards fostering spirit-led community. In February, the health practitioners will visit Phoenix Initiative classes to contribute to child observations and studies, a culture of care and salutogenic practices, and be available for private therapeutic consultations to support this work.

Parents are encouraged to join the “meet and greet”
on Monday February 10th 9-10am.

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Mantles of Care - Warmth and Enfoldment
to Mar 20

Mantles of Care - Warmth and Enfoldment

Mantles of Care Workshop Retreat
Warmth and Enfoldment
Monday - Thursday

Across this 4-day workshop, adults who are parenting or educating primary school children are provided experiences of mantles of care, time to create care items with wool and silk for a family or classroom kit, and principles towards understanding and supporting health.

The workshop complements the Developing the Self Developing the World Mantles of Care Program in classrooms aimed at supporting a culture of caring for self and others. We work with educators and children to refine daily hygiene practices for harmonising the ability to be attentive, self regulate and maintain healthy relationships.

Extended tutoring is available for class teachers to apply mantles of care in the classroom to support learning enrichment for individual students or towards bringing mantles of care to class groups within a curriculum.

4 Days : US$475/person

Includes quality care items for a care kit,
homemade morning tea and lunch

Please direct questions to Developing the Self Developing the World
And for registration email: Phoenix Initiative

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Working with Preventative Health Care at Home
10:00 AM10:00

Working with Preventative Health Care at Home

Working with Preventative Health Care at Home
with Sarah Mecca
part of a series of workshops on supporting health and illness at home
at Sun Heart Farm in Stephentown, NY
10am to 4pm

$25 USD ($40 AUD) paid to EduCareDo with registration below
(paid once whether attending 1, 2, or all 3 workshops)
+ sliding scale contribution in-person: $40-75/workshop

Even though we may recognize the deep meaningfulness of illness for growth and development and for the strengthening of both child and caregiver, that is not to say that all illness processes are necessary or unavoidable. By fostering good health we can support greater balance and harmony without having to traverse every illness process ‘available’. As adults, we have to know how to perceive and evaluate the wellness or imbalance of our own system in order to support this development in the young child. By cultivating and deepening our own relationship to rest and to harmonizing therapeutic applications we can more potently facilitate these experiences for the young children in our care.

In addition to offerings on each workshop theme, the days will include a nourishing meal, the opportunity to both receive and learn how to offer therapeutic treatments at home and to gain familiarity with some home remedies. There will also be space for individual reflection, experiential exercises and group conversation. Each workshop will deepen and build upon the pre-reading Supporting Inner Freedom in the Young Child through Health and Illness (a lesson in the EduCareDo Early Childhood Course). While the workshops are aimed at supporting parents and caregivers in the home, the workshop content and experience will also be relevant for those interested in deepening their relationship to their own experiences of health and illness as well as those caring for other adults. The workshop content will unfold and adapt to meet the questions and interests of the participants. 

This day-long workshop is offered through Developing the Self Developing the World and is open to all. You can attend 1, 2 or all 3 workshops (other two workshops are Jan 19 (Working with Health and Illness at Home) and March 23 (Supporting Nourishment in Early Childhood).

All three workshops will take place at Sun Heart Farm in Stephentown, New York.
Childcare available on-site.

Image Credit: Laura Summer www.laurasummer.com

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Supporting Nourishment in Early Childhood - Body, Soul and Spirit
10:00 AM10:00

Supporting Nourishment in Early Childhood - Body, Soul and Spirit

Supporting Nourishment in Early Childhood - Body, Soul and Spirit
with Sarah Mecca and Anthony Mecca
part of a series of workshops on supporting health and illness at home
at Sun Heart Farm in Stephentown, NY
10am to 4pm

$25 USD ($40 AUD) paid to EduCareDo with registration below
(paid once whether attending 1, 2, or all 3 workshops)
+ sliding scale contribution in-person: $40-75/workshop

In this workshop we will look at different aspects of nutrition in the life of the young child. We will consider the ‘earthly nutrition’ of food in the life of the young child – recognizing that by observing a child’s relationship to eating and food preferences we can gain insight into their constitutional tendencies and needs and ask the question of how we could bring greater balance and diversity to the nutrition of the young child. We will also explore the ‘cosmic nutrition’ of all that they absorb through their senses as well as the influence of their unseen environment, particularly the world of thoughts, feelings, and will impulses of the adults that surround them.

In addition to offerings on each workshop theme, the days will include a nourishing meal, the opportunity to both receive and learn how to offer therapeutic treatments at home and gain familiarity with some home remedies, and space for individual reflection, experiential exercises and group conversation. Each workshop will deepen and build upon the pre-reading Supporting Inner Freedom in the Young Child through Health and Illness (a lesson in the EduCareDo Early Childhood Course). While the workshops are aimed at supporting parents and caregivers in the home, the workshop content and experience will also be relevant for those interested in deepening their relationship to their own experiences of health and illness as well as those caring for other adults. The workshop content will unfold and adapt to meet the questions and interests of the participants. 

This day-long workshop is offered through Developing the Self Developing the World and is open to all. You can attend 1, 2 or all 3 workshops (other two workshops are Jan 19 (Working with Health and Illness at Home) and Feb 23 (Preventative Healthcare at Home).

All three workshops will take place at Sun Heart Farm in Stephentown, New York.
Childcare available on-site.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema

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Healthy Relationships with Self and Others
to Mar 28

Healthy Relationships with Self and Others

  • Dandenong Ranges Steiner School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Working with students, parents and educators

Class 5, 6 Students

The program highlights with each class the growth and changes that they are going through. This includes puberty and the physical and emotional changes that go hand in hand over this time. The content is age appropriate for each class. It aims to deepen the young person’s healthy relationship to themselves and encourages greater understanding, mutual respect and compassion for the other members of their class and the school community.


The content is help to recognise the relevant depth and progression anthroposophy brings to this important aspect of life and the responsibility of community in raising children and working together to promote individual wellbeing.

We look at how and when we work with children and adolescents to bring the understanding of sexuality and gender in relation to where they are in their consciousness. This brings harmony between the evolving body and inner experiences that sets the ground for healthy adult experience.

The talk will cover the themes of the content brought to the students and some of the main issues confronting child health and wellbeing in current times, with examples of how we can counter the unbalancing effects. We also address how to understand gender differences and similarities that both limit or free us and the contribution and struggles of the changing social structures around gender and sexuality affecting us all.

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Healthy Relationships with Self and Others
to Apr 11

Healthy Relationships with Self and Others

  • Tarremah Steiner School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Working with students, parents and educators

The program highlights with each class the growth and changes that they are going through. This includes puberty and the physical and emotional changes that go hand in hand over this time. The content is age appropriate for each class. It aims to deepen the young person’s healthy relationship to themselves and encourages greater understanding, mutual respect and compassion for the other members of their class and the school community.


The content is help to recognise the relevant depth and progression anthroposophy brings to this important aspect of life and the responsibility of community in raising children and working together to promote individual wellbeing.

We look at how and when we work with children and adolescents to bring the understanding of sexuality and gender in relation to where they are in their consciousness. This brings harmony between the evolving body and inner experiences that sets the ground for healthy adult experience.

The talk will cover the themes of the content brought to the students and some of the main issues confronting child health and wellbeing in current times, with examples of how we can counter the unbalancing effects. We also address how to understand gender differences and similarities that both limit or free us and the contribution and struggles of the changing social structures around gender and sexuality affecting us all.

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Healthy Relationships with Self and Others: Social Understanding Gender and Sex Education
to Apr 30

Healthy Relationships with Self and Others: Social Understanding Gender and Sex Education

  • Rudolf Steiner School NYC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Parent Education for Classes 4-12

This program offered by Developing the Self Developing the World brings anthroposophy to help understand relationships and the responsibility of community in raising children and working together to promote individual wellbeing.

We look at how and when we work with children and adolescents to bring the understanding of sexuality and gender in relation to where they are in their consciousness. This brings harmony between the evolving body and inner experiences that sets the ground for healthy adult experience.

It speaks to some of main issues confronting child health and wellbeing in current times, with examples of how we can counter the unbalancing effects. We also address how to understand gender differences and similarities that both limit or free us and the contribution and struggles of the changing social structures around gender and sexuality affecting us all.

The program is delivered by Developing the Self Developing the World programs facilitator, Meaghan Witri.

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Mantles of Care - Warmth and Enfoldment
to May 4

Mantles of Care - Warmth and Enfoldment

Mantles of Care Workshop
Warmth and Enfoldment
Friday 5-7pm | Saturday & Sunday 9am - 3pm

Open to all

Adults who are parenting or educating children are provided experiences of mantles of care, time to create care items with wool and silk for a family or classroom kit, and principles towards understanding and supporting health.

The workshop complements the Developing the Self Developing the World Mantles of Care Program in classrooms aimed at supporting a culture of caring for self and others. We work with educators and children to refine daily hygiene practices for harmonising the ability to be attentive, self regulate and maintain healthy relationships.

Extended tutoring is available for class teachers to apply mantles of care in the classroom to support learning enrichment for individual students or towards bringing mantles of care to class groups within a curriculum.

Includes quality care items for a care kit,
homemade morning tea and lunch

Please direct questions to Developing the Self Developing the World

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Mantles of Care - Sleeping and Waking
to Aug 10

Mantles of Care - Sleeping and Waking

Mantles of Care Workshop
Sleeping and Waking - Breathing into our earthly home
Friday 5-7pm | Saturday & Sunday 9am - 3pm

Open to all

Adults who are parenting or educating children are provided experiences of mantles of care, time to create care items with wool and silk for a family or classroom kit, and principles towards understanding and supporting health.

The workshop complements the Developing the Self Developing the World Mantles of Care Program in classrooms aimed at supporting a culture of caring for self and others. We work with educators and children to refine daily hygiene practices for harmonising the ability to be attentive, self regulate and maintain healthy relationships.

Extended tutoring is available for class teachers to apply mantles of care in the classroom to support learning enrichment for individual students or towards bringing mantles of care to class groups within a curriculum.

Includes quality care items for a care kit,
homemade morning tea and lunch

Please direct questions to Developing the Self Developing the World

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Mantles of Care - Caring for the Skin
to Oct 19

Mantles of Care - Caring for the Skin

Mantles of Care Workshop
Friday 5-7pm | Saturday & Sunday 9am - 3pm

Open to all

Adults who are parenting or educating children are provided experiences of mantles of care, time to create care items with wool and silk for a family or classroom kit, and principles towards understanding and supporting health.

The workshop complements the Developing the Self Developing the World Mantles of Care Program in classrooms aimed at supporting a culture of caring for self and others. We work with educators and children to refine daily hygiene practices for harmonising the ability to be attentive, self regulate and maintain healthy relationships.

Extended tutoring is available for class teachers to apply mantles of care in the classroom to support learning enrichment for individual students or towards bringing mantles of care to class groups within a curriculum.

Includes quality care items for a care kit,
homemade morning tea and lunch

Please direct questions to Developing the Self Developing the World

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Working with Health and Illness at Home
10:00 AM10:00

Working with Health and Illness at Home

Working with Health and Illness at Home
part of a 3-part series of workshops on supporting health and illness at home
with Sarah Mecca
at Sun Heart Farm in Stephentown, NY
10am to 4pm

$25 USD ($40 AUD) paid to EduCareDo with registration below
(paid once whether attending 1, 2, or all 3 workshops)
+ sliding scale contribution in-person: $40-75/workshop

Meeting rich and diverse experiences of health and illness support the child’s journey of growth and development towards inner freedom in adulthood. While we need to consciously support their unfolding, at the same time we must tread lightly, so as to not interfere in the potential fruits that may naturally unfold for them through their experiences of health and illness. Our conscious activity of reverence serves them on this journey.

In addition to offerings on this workshop theme, each workshop will include a nourishing meal, the opportunity to both receive and learn how to offer therapeutic treatments at home and gain familiarity with some home remedies, space for individual reflection, experiential exercises and group conversation. Each workshop will deepen and build upon the pre-reading Supporting Inner Freedom in the Young Child through Health and Illness (a lesson in the EduCareDo Early Childhood Course). While the workshops are aimed at supporting parents and caregivers in the home, the workshop content and experience will also be relevant for those interested in deepening their relationship to their own experiences of health and illness as well as those caring for other adults. The workshop content will unfold and adapt to meet the questions and interests of the participants. 

This day-long workshop is offered through Developing the Self Developing the World and is open to all. You can attend 1, 2 or all 3 workshops (other two workshops are Feb 23 (Working with Preventative Healthcare at Home) and March 23 (Supporting Nourishment - Body, Soul and Spirit).

All three workshops will take place at Sun Heart Farm in Stephentown, New York.
Childcare available on-site.

“Heart Warmth” by Laura Summer www.laurasummer.com

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Steiner Teacher Intensives
to Jan 17

Steiner Teacher Intensives

  • Newcastle Waldorf School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Classes 1-7 Curriculum in person Intensives for interested teachers throughout Australia/ New Zealand / Asia  held from January 13th at the Newcastle Waldorf School in Newcastle.

Developing the Self Developing the World will again be providing Care and Renewal opportunities for teachers at the intensives.

Foot baths, hand baths and face compresses will be available from 7am each morning and during breaks to offer a quiet and supported moment for digestion, integration and restoration.

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In the Light of Courage - a residential winter retreat towards finding our next steps
to Jan 5

In the Light of Courage - a residential winter retreat towards finding our next steps

In the Light of Courage
a winter residential retreat towards finding our next steps

Friday, January 3rd to Sunday, January 5th
Friday 12pm to Sunday 12pm
at Sun Heart Farm in Stephentown, NY

  • Opportunities for group conversation and shared experiences on the retreat theme

  • Baths, compresses and other therapeutic treatments

  • Space for quiet contemplation and time in nature

  • Renewal through the arts

  • Health-bringing meals and snacks

    Cost: $500-$750 Sliding Scale. Financial aid available on a needs basis.

    Please express your interest early! Contact us via phone/text 908-227-0004 or email ​contact@developingtheself.org​. Space is limited to 7 participants.

    Participants will each have a private room with shared bathroom. All meals included on site.

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Healthy Relationships with Self and Others: Social Understanding Gender and Sexuality
to Nov 29

Healthy Relationships with Self and Others: Social Understanding Gender and Sexuality

  • Birali Steiner School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Birali Steiner School is working with the Healthy Relationships with Self and Others: Social Understanding Gender and Sexuality Program.

The program will be delivered by Melanie Deefholts to students in Class 4 and up. Parent meetings and Professional Development are also offered during the visit. Parents should contact the school for more information.

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Healthy Relationships with Self and Others: Social Understanding Gender and Sex Education
9:00 AM09:00

Healthy Relationships with Self and Others: Social Understanding Gender and Sex Education

Visiting Classes 9-12

This program offered by Developing the Self Developing the World brings anthroposophy to help understand relationships and the responsibility of community in raising children and working together to promote individual wellbeing.

We look at how and when we work with adolescents to bring the understanding of sexuality and gender in relation to where they are in their consciousness. This brings harmony between the evolving body and inner experiences that sets the ground for healthy adult experience.

It speaks to some of main issues confronting health and wellbeing in current times, with examples of how we can counter the unbalancing effects. We also address how to understand gender differences and similarities that both limit or free us and the contribution and struggles of the changing social structures around gender and sexuality affecting us all.

The program is delivered by Developing the Self Developing the World programs facilitator, Meaghan Witri.

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Healing the Impact of Technology
9:00 AM09:00

Healing the Impact of Technology

Community Education and Faculty Professional Development

The foundations of sensory development are laid down in the first seven years of life and have a direct influence on the growing child’s ability to develop attention, attachment, and self- regulation: capacities essential for formal education.

The program is delivered by Developing the Self Developing the World programs facilitator, Meaghan Witri.

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Christmas with Children
7:00 PM19:00

Christmas with Children

Those interested in sharing a conversation about preparing Christmas for children are invited to come together online.

7pm Sunday November 17th (AEDT)

Our intention is to enliven the 5 pointed-star within ourselves, converse about the advent table and ways to bring these into the child’s life at Christmas time. What if anything do we hold and perhaps hold back, and why? What in our Self is a gift to Children at Christmas time?

The conversation is live; it will not be recorded to help ease all those present to speak freely.

The image used for these events is a painting by Laura Summer, Aquarius.

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Healthy Relationships with Self and Others
to Nov 15

Healthy Relationships with Self and Others

  • Cairns Hinterland Steiner School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Working with Students in Classes 5 - 10

The program highlights with each class the growth and changes that they are going through. This includes puberty and the physical and emotional changes that go hand in hand over this time. The content is age appropriate for each class. It aims to deepen the young person’s healthy relationship to themselves and encourages greater understanding, mutual respect and compassion for the other members of their class and the school community.


The content is help to recognise the relevant depth and progression anthroposophy brings to this important aspect of life and the responsibility of community in raising children and working together to promote individual wellbeing.

We look at how and when we work with children and adolescents to bring the understanding of sexuality and gender in relation to where they are in their consciousness. This brings harmony between the evolving body and inner experiences that sets the ground for healthy adult experience.

The talk will cover the themes of the content brought to the students and some of the main issues confronting child health and wellbeing in current times, with examples of how we can counter the unbalancing effects. We also address how to understand gender differences and similarities that both limit or free us and the contribution and struggles of the changing social structures around gender and sexuality affecting us all.

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Mantles of Care in Early Childhood
to Nov 7

Mantles of Care in Early Childhood

Lyn Clifton joins Sophia’s Garden, offering mantles of care to Mantles of care with children and parents for warmer weather.

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Healthy Relationships with Self and Others
to Oct 30

Healthy Relationships with Self and Others

  • Tamar Valley Steiner School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The program highlights with each class the growth and changes that they are going through. This includes puberty and the physical and emotional changes that go hand in hand over this time. The content is age appropriate for each class. It aims to deepen the young person’s healthy relationship to themselves and encourages greater understanding, mutual respect and compassion for the other members of their class and the school community.


The content is help to recognise the relevant depth and progression anthroposophy brings to this important aspect of life and the responsibility of community in raising children and working together to promote individual wellbeing.

We look at how and when we work with children to bring the understanding of sexuality and gender in relation to where they are in their consciousness. This brings harmony between the evolving body and inner experiences that sets the ground for healthy adult experience.

The talk will cover the themes of the content brought to the students and some of the main issues confronting child health and wellbeing in current times, with examples of how we can counter the unbalancing effects. We also address how to understand gender differences and similarities that both limit or free us and the contribution and struggles of the changing social structures around gender and sexuality affecting us all.

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Healthy Relationships with Self and Others: Social Understanding Gender and Sex Education
to Oct 17

Healthy Relationships with Self and Others: Social Understanding Gender and Sex Education

  • Rudolf Steiner School NYC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Visiting Classes 4-12 and speaking with parents and the school faculty.

This program offered by Developing the Self Developing the World brings anthroposophy to help understand relationships and the responsibility of community in raising children and working together to promote individual wellbeing.

We look at how and when we work with children and adolescents to bring the understanding of sexuality and gender in relation to where they are in their consciousness. This brings harmony between the evolving body and inner experiences that sets the ground for healthy adult experience.

It speaks to some of main issues confronting child health and wellbeing in current times, with examples of how we can counter the unbalancing effects. We also address how to understand gender differences and similarities that both limit or free us and the contribution and struggles of the changing social structures around gender and sexuality affecting us all.

The program is delivered by Developing the Self Developing the World programs facilitator, Meaghan Witri.

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Healthy Relationships with Self and Others
to Oct 17

Healthy Relationships with Self and Others

  • Freshwater Creek Steiner School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Class 5, 6 Students

The program highlights with each class the growth and changes that they are going through. This includes puberty and the physical and emotional changes that go hand in hand over this time. The content is age appropriate for each class. It aims to deepen the young person’s healthy relationship to themselves and encourages greater understanding, mutual respect and compassion for the other members of their class and the school community.


The content is help to recognise the relevant depth and progression anthroposophy brings to this important aspect of life and the responsibility of community in raising children and working together to promote individual wellbeing.

We look at how and when we work with children and adolescents to bring the understanding of sexuality and gender in relation to where they are in their consciousness. This brings harmony between the evolving body and inner experiences that sets the ground for healthy adult experience.

The talk will cover the themes of the content brought to the students and some of the main issues confronting child health and wellbeing in current times, with examples of how we can counter the unbalancing effects. We also address how to understand gender differences and similarities that both limit or free us and the contribution and struggles of the changing social structures around gender and sexuality affecting us all.

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Sydney Steiner College Teacher Training
11:30 AM11:30

Sydney Steiner College Teacher Training

  • Gleneaon Rudolf Steiner School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Experience and education on the role of care in the classroom. A PD for classroom assistants.

Harmonising the Senses | Upbuilding & Revitalising Our Etheric Forces

A quiet reverent space for experiencing beauty is held whilst engaging with daily hygienic self-care practices.

Rose or lemon face cloth, rose sphagni lotion, silk matles rest and herb tea 

As you prepare for your meaningful Spring Seminar journey into Steiner education, we would like to extend to you an invitation to book into a specially arranged restorative session during the break times, to support your own well-being during the Seminar. The half hour session will offer you an opportunity to be introduced to daily self care practices, that are not only restorative in the moment, but can be considered in an ongoing way for your own self care during your teaching career to help support your sense of life and balance. They can be introduced into classroom hygiene as a part of the Steiner curriculum for students from early childhood to high school, as well as supporting the wellbeing of parents and staff.

As a gesture to enable you to experience these sessions, they are being partially sponsored by Sydney Steiner College.

We invite you to book a place during the Spring Seminar, to experience hygienic daily self-care practices that compliment studies of this Seminar, support your integration of the Seminar content and reconnect with yourself.


  • Date: October 2nd  (during lunch time and at the end of the day)

  • Session Duration: 30 minutes

  • Treatment: Introduction to a guided face cloth, hand sphagnum rose hand/arm oiling, rest and tea.

  • Cost: $15 per person per session sponsored by the College (limited spots – 5 people per session) 

  • Booking: Pre-book and payment required to secure your spot by 27th September

  • Location: Care and Renewal classroom (to be advised during the seminar)

Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the profound benefits of Anthroposophical care. Take this time to focus on your well-being, so you can bring greater balance and presence to your future classrooms.

Offered by Lynette Clifton

We’re also making it easy to buy mantles of care items for use at home or in the classroom. We’ll have compress kits, sphagni lotions and silk mantles.

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Healthy Relationships with Self and Others
to Oct 13

Healthy Relationships with Self and Others

  • Dandenong Ranges Steiner School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Class 5, 6 Students

The program highlights with each class the growth and changes that they are going through. This includes puberty and the physical and emotional changes that go hand in hand over this time. The content is age appropriate for each class. It aims to deepen the young person’s healthy relationship to themselves and encourages greater understanding, mutual respect and compassion for the other members of their class and the school community.


The content is help to recognise the relevant depth and progression anthroposophy brings to this important aspect of life and the responsibility of community in raising children and working together to promote individual wellbeing.

We look at how and when we work with children and adolescents to bring the understanding of sexuality and gender in relation to where they are in their consciousness. This brings harmony between the evolving body and inner experiences that sets the ground for healthy adult experience.

The talk will cover the themes of the content brought to the students and some of the main issues confronting child health and wellbeing in current times, with examples of how we can counter the unbalancing effects. We also address how to understand gender differences and similarities that both limit or free us and the contribution and struggles of the changing social structures around gender and sexuality affecting us all.

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12:30 PM12:30

Extra Lesson Training

  • Sydney Rudolf Steiner College (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Introducing Lemon Footbaths

To students training in Extra Lesson.

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Steiner College Spring Seminar
12:00 PM12:00

Steiner College Spring Seminar

  • Gleneaon Rudolf Steiner School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Care & Renewal

Steiner College Spring Seminar, Glenaeon Castlecrag 2024

Harmonising the Senses | Upbuilding & Revitalising Our Etheric Forces

A quiet reverent space for experiencing beauty is held whilst engaging with daily hygienic self-care practices.

Rose or lemon face cloth, rose sphagni lotion, silk matles rest and herb tea 

As you prepare for your meaningful Spring Seminar journey into Steiner education, we would like to extend to you an invitation to book into a specially arranged restorative session during the break times, to support your own well-being during the Seminar. The half hour session will offer you an opportunity to be introduced to daily self care practices, that are not only restorative in the moment, but can be considered in an ongoing way for your own self care during your teaching career to help support your sense of life and balance. They can be introduced into classroom hygiene as a part of the Steiner curriculum for students from early childhood to high school, as well as supporting the wellbeing of parents and staff.

As a gesture to enable you to experience these sessions, they are being partially sponsored by Sydney Steiner College.

We invite you to book a place during the Spring Seminar, to experience hygienic daily self-care practices that compliment studies of this Seminar, support your integration of the Seminar content and reconnect with yourself.


  • Date: October 2nd  (during lunch time and at the end of the day)

  • Session Duration: 30 minutes

  • Treatment: Introduction to a guided face cloth, hand sphagnum rose hand/arm oiling, rest and tea.

  • Cost: $15 per person per session sponsored by the College (limited spots – 5 people per session) 

  • Booking: Pre-book and payment required to secure your spot by 27th September

  • Location: Care and Renewal classroom (to be advised during the seminar)

Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the profound benefits of Anthroposophical care. Take this time to focus on your well-being, so you can bring greater balance and presence to your future classrooms.

Offered by Lynette Clifton

We’re also making it easy to buy mantles of care items for use at home or in the classroom. We’ll have compress kits, sphagni lotions and silk mantles.

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Healthy Relationships with Self and Others
9:00 AM09:00

Healthy Relationships with Self and Others

Class 5, 6 Students

The program highlights with each class the growth and changes that they are going through. This includes puberty and the physical and emotional changes that go hand in hand over this time. The content is age appropriate for each class. It aims to deepen the young person’s healthy relationship to themselves and encourages greater understanding, mutual respect and compassion for the other members of their class and the school community.


The content is help to recognise the relevant depth and progression anthroposophy brings to this important aspect of life and the responsibility of community in raising children and working together to promote individual wellbeing.

We look at how and when we work with children and adolescents to bring the understanding of sexuality and gender in relation to where they are in their consciousness. This brings harmony between the evolving body and inner experiences that sets the ground for healthy adult experience.

The talk will cover the themes of the content brought to the students and some of the main issues confronting child health and wellbeing in current times, with examples of how we can counter the unbalancing effects. We also address how to understand gender differences and similarities that both limit or free us and the contribution and struggles of the changing social structures around gender and sexuality affecting us all.

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Healthy Relationships with Self and Others
to Sep 13

Healthy Relationships with Self and Others

  • Mount Barker Waldorf School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Student Program for Class 7 to 12

The program highlights with each class the growth and changes that they are going through. This includes puberty and the physical and emotional changes that go hand in hand over this time. The content is age appropriate for each class. It aims to deepen the young person’s healthy relationship to themselves and encourages greater understanding, mutual respect and compassion for the other members of their class and the school community.

Information Evening for Parents, Caregivers and Staff

The content is help to recognise the relevant depth and progression anthroposophy brings to this important aspect of life and the responsibility of community in raising children and working together to promote individual wellbeing.

We look at how and when we work with children and adolescents to bring the understanding of sexuality and gender in relation to where they are in their consciousness. This brings harmony between the evolving body and inner experiences that sets the ground for healthy adult experience.

The talk will cover the themes of the content brought to the students and some of the main issues confronting child health and wellbeing in current times, with examples of how we can counter the unbalancing effects. We also address how to understand gender differences and similarities that both limit or free us and the contribution and struggles of the changing social structures around gender and sexuality affecting us all.

Please contact the school for times and further details about these sessions

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Healthy Relationships with Self and Others
to Sep 10

Healthy Relationships with Self and Others

  • Mount Barker Waldorf School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Student Program for Class 7 to 12

The program highlights with each class the growth and changes that they are going through. This includes puberty and the physical and emotional changes that go hand in hand over this time. The content is age appropriate for each class. It aims to deepen the young person’s healthy relationship to themselves and encourages greater understanding, mutual respect and compassion for the other members of their class and the school community.

Information Evening for Parents, Caregivers and Staff

The content is help to recognise the relevant depth and progression anthroposophy brings to this important aspect of life and the responsibility of community in raising children and working together to promote individual wellbeing.

We look at how and when we work with children and adolescents to bring the understanding of sexuality and gender in relation to where they are in their consciousness. This brings harmony between the evolving body and inner experiences that sets the ground for healthy adult experience.

The talk will cover the themes of the content brought to the students and some of the main issues confronting child health and wellbeing in current times, with examples of how we can counter the unbalancing effects. We also address how to understand gender differences and similarities that both limit or free us and the contribution and struggles of the changing social structures around gender and sexuality affecting us all.

Please contact the school for times and further details about these sessions

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Mantles of Care in Early Childhood
to Aug 28

Mantles of Care in Early Childhood

Lyn Clifton joins Sophia’s Garden, offering mantles of care to the children during their free play time and a parent education session.

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Healthy Relationships with Self and Othe
to Aug 30

Healthy Relationships with Self and Othe

  • Chrysalis Steiner School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Working with Students in Classes 5 - 10

The program highlights with each class the growth and changes that they are going through. This includes puberty and the physical and emotional changes that go hand in hand over this time. The content is age appropriate for each class. It aims to deepen the young person’s healthy relationship to themselves and encourages greater understanding, mutual respect and compassion for the other members of their class and the school community.


The content is help to recognise the relevant depth and progression anthroposophy brings to this important aspect of life and the responsibility of community in raising children and working together to promote individual wellbeing.

We look at how and when we work with children and adolescents to bring the understanding of sexuality and gender in relation to where they are in their consciousness. This brings harmony between the evolving body and inner experiences that sets the ground for healthy adult experience.

The talk will cover the themes of the content brought to the students and some of the main issues confronting child health and wellbeing in current times, with examples of how we can counter the unbalancing effects. We also address how to understand gender differences and similarities that both limit or free us and the contribution and struggles of the changing social structures around gender and sexuality affecting us all.

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Healthy Relationships with Self and Others
to Aug 23

Healthy Relationships with Self and Others

  • Cape Byron Rudolf Steiner School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Classes 5 - 12

The program highlights with each class the growth and changes that they are going through. This includes puberty and the physical and emotional changes that go hand in hand over this time. The content is age appropriate for each class. It aims to deepen the young person’s healthy relationship to themselves and encourages greater understanding, mutual respect and compassion for the other members of their class and the school community.


The content is help to recognise the relevant depth and progression anthroposophy brings to this important aspect of life and the responsibility of community in raising children and working together to promote individual wellbeing.

We look at how and when we work with children and adolescents to bring the understanding of sexuality and gender in relation to where they are in their consciousness. This brings harmony between the evolving body and inner experiences that sets the ground for healthy adult experience.

The talk will cover the themes of the content brought to the students and some of the main issues confronting child health and wellbeing in current times, with examples of how we can counter the unbalancing effects. We also address how to understand gender differences and similarities that both limit or free us and the contribution and struggles of the changing social structures around gender and sexuality affecting us all.

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Healthy Relationships with Self and Others
to Aug 9

Healthy Relationships with Self and Others

Student Program for Class 5 to 12

The program highlights with each class the growth and changes that they are going through. This includes puberty and the physical and emotional changes that go hand in hand over this time. The content is age appropriate for each class. It aims to deepen the young person’s healthy relationship to themselves and encourages greater understanding, mutual respect and compassion for the other members of their class and the school community.

Information Evening for Parents, Caregivers and Staff

The content is help to recognise the relevant depth and progression anthroposophy brings to this important aspect of life and the responsibility of community in raising children and working together to promote individual wellbeing.

We look at how and when we work with children and adolescents to bring the understanding of sexuality and gender in relation to where they are in their consciousness. This brings harmony between the evolving body and inner experiences that sets the ground for healthy adult experience.

The talk will cover the themes of the content brought to the students and some of the main issues confronting child health and wellbeing in current times, with examples of how we can counter the unbalancing effects. We also address how to understand gender differences and similarities that both limit or free us and the contribution and struggles of the changing social structures around gender and sexuality affecting us all.

Please contact the school for times and further details about these sessions

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Spirit-led Community - 4-session Study Groups - Online and in Stephentown, NY
to Jul 20

Spirit-led Community - 4-session Study Groups - Online and in Stephentown, NY

  • Google Calendar ICS

Upcoming 4-session Study Group
In-Person and Online

We will meet for four consecutive weeks to study the first chapter of Spirit-led Community - Healing the Impacts of Technology by Lisa Romero. The Guide to the Care and Development of the Senses, parts of which are included in this chapter are available for free download on our website.
Online, 6:30-8pm:
Wednesdays, June 26, July 3, 10 and 17
In-Person in Stephentown, NY, NOTE:
NEW DAY AND TIME! 9:30-11am:

Saturdays, June 29, July 6, 13, and 20
To register and for more info contact@developingtheself.org or call/text 908-227-0004.

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Saint John's Festival Celebration for Children
9:00 AM09:00

Saint John's Festival Celebration for Children

Saint John’s Day Celebration

For children:
Monday, June 24th, 9am-10am
​A puppet show followed by a short walk. Snack provided.

LOCATION: Sun Heart Farm in Stephentown, NY

Please RSVP with the number of people attending, ages of children attending, and any dietary restrictions. Call/text 908-227-0004 or email contact@developingtheself.org

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