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Mantles of Care - Warmth and Enfoldment

  • Phoenix Initiative Hillsdale NY USA (map)

Mantles of Care Workshop Retreat
Warmth and Enfoldment
Monday - Thursday

Across this 4-day workshop, adults who are parenting or educating primary school children are provided experiences of mantles of care, time to create care items with wool and silk for a family or classroom kit, and principles towards understanding and supporting health.

The workshop complements the Developing the Self Developing the World Mantles of Care Program in classrooms aimed at supporting a culture of caring for self and others. We work with educators and children to refine daily hygiene practices for harmonising the ability to be attentive, self regulate and maintain healthy relationships.

Extended tutoring is available for class teachers to apply mantles of care in the classroom to support learning enrichment for individual students or towards bringing mantles of care to class groups within a curriculum.

4 Days : US$475/person

Includes quality care items for a care kit,
homemade morning tea and lunch

Please direct questions to Developing the Self Developing the World
And for registration email: Phoenix Initiative